Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes

  1. “They only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you fint it.” – Steve Jobes
  2. Choose to be positive. It feels better.
  3. “The key to success is to start before you are ready.”  – Marie Forleo
  4. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
  5. “Work hard is silence. Let your success be your noise.” – Frank Ocean
  6. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winprey
  7. “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s grow change occurs.” – Jillian Michaels
  8. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  9. “If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it it’s real.” – Tony Robbins
  10. Passion + consistency = SUCCESS – Lilla Liptak
  11. It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve choosen to spend your days, and whom you’ve touched. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success. – R.J. Palacio
  12. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
  13. “You gain strength courage, and confidence by everey experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  14. “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistenly.” – Mario Forleo
  15. “When people succeed it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” –Diego Maradona
  16. The best view comes after the hardest climb.
  17. “Train your mind to see the good in everything. Possitivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. – Marcandagel
  18. “The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” – Walt Disney
  19. “The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
  20. “Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.” – Will Rogers
  21. “You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.” – Unknown
  22. “If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs
  23. “People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.” – Rob Siltanen
  24. “Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein
  25. “You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream.” – C.S. Lewis
  26. “One Of  The Lessons That I Grew Up With Was To Always Stay True To Yourself And Never Let What Somebody Else Says Distract You From Your Goals.” – Michelle Obama
  27. “It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.” – Inspirational Quote By Vince Lombardi
  28. “Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino
  29. “Entrepreneurs Are Great At Dealing With Uncertainty And Also Very Good At Minimizing Risk. That’s The Classic Entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabrai
  30. “We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” – Maya Angelou
  31. “Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
  32. “Imagine Your Life Is Perfect In Every Respect; What Would It Look Like?” – Brian Tracy



A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or another pronoun. A pronoun can refer to a person, place, thing, or idea.
The word that a pronoun refers to is called its antecedent.
Example: Ramon visited Death Valle, and he was empressed.
He refers to Ramon
Pronoun such as we, I, he, them and it are called personal pronouns. Personal pronouns have a variety of forms to indicate different persons, numbers, and cases. There are first-person, second-person, and third-person personal pronouns, each having both singular and plural forms.

I went out.
(first person)
We left early.
(first person)
You left too.
(second person)
You are leaving.
(second person)
He came by bus.
(third person)
They came by car.
(third person)

Each personal pronoun forms three cases: subject, object, possessive.
He read about Death Valley.
Julie asked him about the rocks.
Ramon bought his book.

Pronouns help you talk about people concisely whe you’re telling a story.
The antecedent is the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces refers to.
Use a singular pronoun to refer to a singular antecedent.
Ex: One story has its setting in Egypt
Use a plural pronoun to refer to a plural antecedent.
Ex: The characters have their motives for murder.
The pronoun must agree in person with the antecedent.
Ex: Louis like his mysteries to have surprise endings.
The gender of the pronoun must be the same as the gender of its antecedent.
Personal pronouns have three gender forms:
  • Masculine: he, his, him
  • Feminine: she, her, hers
  • Neuter: it, its             
Agatha Christie sets many of her stories in England.
Her refers to  Agatha Christie
The hero has to use all his wits to solve the crime.
His refers to → Hero
In your writing, you will sometimes refer to several people or groups of people. Correct pronoun-antecedent agreement will help your reader keep track of who is who in your writing.

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